10/3/2019 0 Comments Working with Lambda LabsWe're very excited about the opportunity to work with Lambda Labs related to using their AI workstations combined with the Cephasonics Ultrasound engines. Lambda Labs is probably the best known producer of high-end AI workstations in the market. We're working with them to help them move into the healthcare market and at the same time be able to provide our customers a wide range of proven high-performance servers specially built for AI applications. Their performance and use of Nvidia GPUs make the Lambda Labs workstations a perfect server choice for a variety of ultrasound applications built on the Cephasonics platform.
10/2/2019 2 Comments New Systems for Elastography
These new Cephasonics elastography systems provide the ability to execute a variety of ultrasound modalities such as beam forming, ultrafast imaging and shear wave elastography. The system uses a single ultrasound transducer to both generate acoustic radiation force in tissue and image the tissue displacement response. The systems include Push Burst that can generate 4 pulses per second or up to 50,000 cycles per second with a single pulse, support for 100 volts peak to peak and the ability to track and collect up to 32KHz PRF with interleaved mode and up to 10KHz PRF for non-interleaved mode. The systems also provide direct access to raw data for precision measurements, generating motion data as well as for use in AI applications.
Cephasonics also offers a unique dual-system configuration which enables simultaneous push/imaging with 2 probes. This configuration features a probe connected to a Cephasonics push system that is paired with a second Cephasonics imaging system with the second probe. |