10/18/2018 1 Comment Cephasonics at IUS 2018Hi, If you're attending IUS next week in Kobe Japan, come by the Cephasonics booth (#22) at the show. We'll be demoing some exciting new software and AI capabilities for ultrasound product development. Here are some of things we will be discussing at IUS: Cephasonics Virtual Ultrasound Engine (cVue™) We just announced cVue™, our newest software development tool for rapid ultrasound development. cVue™ is a virtual ultrasound engine that allows ultrasound application developers to abstract operation of the ultrasound hardware. cVue™ is also a powerful new algorithm management and implementation tool that enables you to focus on algorithm development and shortcuts your development effort as well as more effectively utilizing AI functionality in your ultrasound applications. ImFusion 3D Ultrasound Software ImFusion provides a range of high-power ultrasound software solutions that enable 3D and 4D images as well as unique AI and deep learning functionality. Cephasonics is continuing to partner with ImFusion of developing new ultrasound 3D imaging enabled ultrasound environments. We will be demonstrating the latest ImFusion software in our booth at IUS. Learn About New VX Commercial OEM Platforms We extended our ultrasound development engine platform to include a new emphasis on providing systems specially designed for powering your commercial ultrasound products. We are now providing high-availability ultrasound engines, custom support programs for end-user installations as well as custom engineering and design. Learn About AI Support with Cephasonics AI4US We recently announced that our next generation architecture for Ultrasound AI & deep learning will be powered by the Nvidia Clara and Xavier framework and involvement with the Nvidia AI Inception program. We'll be discussing our additionally support and utilization of AI and deep learning capabilities within the Cephasonics ultrasound software development kit as well as our newest productcVue™. We'll be demonstrating some exciting new capabilities for implementing AI in ultrasound applications.
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